Mobility Scooters to Hire

We’ve partnered with Countryside Mobility (a charity initiative, operated by Living Options) to offer all-terrain mobility scooter (“Tramper”) hire. It has a restricted speed of 4mph which is ideal to accompany walkers and children on bikes.

Trampers are safe and easy to use, even if you’ve never needed to use a scooter before. All first time users will be provided with a short introduction to how the Tramper works to ensure you feel safe and confident and an explanation of where you can safely go based on auditing by Countryside Mobility.

On completion of this you’ll become a member of Countryside Mobility. This provides insurance cover and acts like a driving license, giving access to Trampers across their network of 50+ beauty spots around the South West and Wales.

Choose from Annual (£15), 2 week ‘Taster’ (£5) or single use (£3).

The Tramper can be hired by guests (bookable in advance) and is not restricted to Blue Badge holders. The scheme is open to anyone who has difficulty walking due to a temporary or permanent mobility impairment. You don’t need to be staying at The Speech House to use the Tramper, it’s available for locals and visitors to the area to hire as they wish.

Save time on arrival, by checking Countryside Mobility’s medical requirements and general terms of use and watching the introductory video. Please bring photo ID/ proof of address.

The Tramper Routes

From the hotel with the Tramper you can access the Cyril Hart Arboretum, Speech House Lake, the Geomap at New Fancy, and Mallard’s Pike Lake – once voted the best picnic spot in the South West. There are many safe forest tracks to explore, straight from the hotel.

Please note that all new users will need to undertake ‘Tramper training’ before their first hire. This is designed to make sure you have the skills and confidence to safely operate a Tramper. You will be given a 5-10 minute training session on how to use the mobility scooter safely.

To Hire a Tramper

The hire fee that is charged: £3 per hour

Please contact reception to check availability and to book.


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